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Bowl Assembly of The vertical mixed flow turbine pumps

DATE:2024/11/20 15:34:08 Source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider Visits:0

Bowl Assembly of The vertical mixed flow turbine pumps

It consists of the suction bell, intermediate bowls for multistage vertical mixed flow turbine pumps and the discharge bowl. The bowls are flanged. The suction bell with entrance guide vanes prevents prorogation. The discharge bowl with diffusion vanes properly directs the flow of the water into the discharge column. vertical mixed flow turbine pump shaft of stainless steel. Suction and discharge bronze bearing supporting the vertical mixed flow turbine pump shaft above and below the impeller ensure vibration free operation. Rubber intermediate bowl bearing available for multistage vertical mixed flow turbine pumps. The suction bearing is protected by a bronze sand collar; similarly for discharge bearing of water or grease lubricated vertical mixed flow turbine pumps.

The mixed flow impellers, enclosed or semi-open, are secured firmly to the shaft by means of a key and a split thrust ring or by a taper collet for small vertical mixed flow turbine pump sizes. Wear rings are available in the bowls and optionally in the impellers. As option (especially in large vertical mixed flow turbine pumps) design with separate impeller ring is available.

Bowl Assembly of The vertical mixed flow pumps.jpg

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